Wednesday 23 July 2014

First aid at high blood pressure

For some time I'm not myself. Passed away my best friend, and insightful, with pills and high blood pressure in the arm. The doctors said that she had a hypertensive crisis, late with only half an hour to drink a pill and it cost her life.

So I ask you: How can it understand that there has been a hypertensive crisis. What signs and symptoms are typical for her? What caused this sudden increase in blood pressure, which, as I understand it, can sometimes be fatal?

Hyper-tonic crisis, characterized by sudden, rapidly evolving and usually significantly elevated blood pressure, which is accompanied by typical clinical symptoms. It is one of the most common complications of hypersonic disease. Usually starts with a spasm, which covers all blood vessels. But the fix times, depending on the individuality of the body, the crisis manifested itself with the contraction of the vessels of the brain, and another time the coronary vessels of the heart. In these cases can lead to fatal.

What can cause hypertensive crisis:

--Undue physical exertion.-Overeating with salty food.
-Abuse of alcohol and cigarettes.

In women to such crisis can be reached because of hormonal changes that are characteristic of premenstrual syndrome and during the . Crises often provoked by sudden changes of the weather: the lower the atmospheric pressure, rapid change of air temperature, increasing its humidity, increased solar activity and magnetic storms. The most risky time for hypertensives are spring and autumn, when the weather is unsustainable. In addition to the crisis can also lead a sharp interruption of treatment with preparations which lower blood pressure.
In each hypertensive crisis dramatically raises blood pressure, but not always, there is a direct correlation between the magnitude of blood pressure and the severity of the condition. The level of arterial blood pressure at which it is possible to reach a crisis, can be different even in the same patient. Sometimes the difference is the speed with which raises blood pressure. The symptoms are dizziness, headache, tinnitus, transient distortion of vision.

Kidney failure causes anemia

A man sits down to write a letter when you have any problems and looking for the answer to many questions. My questions are not quite so much, but I'm struggling for quite some time. At 48 years and until recently, I was working in the pit. At one point, however, started to be sick, I feel that my powers are not enough for the heavy physical work, and quit. Because I'm a college graduate majoring in catering "Chef", I found a job in a restaurant and I went to do the necessary research. Turns out, however, that I have very severe anemia. And that my kidneys are not working properly. My question is: between both diseases is there something to do?

Yes, between the two diseases has a close connection. I mean renal failure leads to anemia.
Currently, not only you, but many people around the world are excited by this problem. Diseased kidneys are about to be turned into a new worldwide epidemic. Many people currently suffer from heart, high blood pressure, obesity or diabetes. link between these diseases and kidney failure, however, was extremely narrow, the scientists found. According to them, no one can tell where one begins and the other ends.
Anemia is one of the most common complications, which lead the diseased kidneys.

Alarming facts!

The statistic is too cruel. One out of every seven people in Bulgarian there is in some degree chronic renal failure. Just a few years ago the number was significantly smaller. Then ill kidney had one out of every ten people. Wrong way of life drastically and quickly, however, increases the number of patients with these diseases. When sick people kidneys begin to function more poorly. If the disease is not treated, they can stop working completely. Then the only way for dialysis or transplantation is.
How to recognize the causes?

The causes of the disease may be different. High blood pressure often stands at the core of the problem, because it damages the vessels of the kidneys. A good clog the urinary tract due to stones, an enlarged prostate or tumor are another reason for the damage to the organs. Cysts in the kidneys can also lead to a reduction of their function. The high sugar in diabetes or urinary infections are also among the causes of kidney failure. It can lead and autoimmune diseases such as lupus, for example. Symptoms of diseased kidneys are also very different. Among them are fatigue, dizziness, back pain, kidney stones, high blood, excessive thirst, edema, nausea, frequent urination, etc., the reason is that the kidneys are the main organs which contribute to the balance in the body.
They purify the blood and separated out the additional amount of water and unnecessary substances. In addition, function as a gland, which produces two important hormones. The first is called Renin and plays a key role in the control of blood pressure. It regulates the levels of potassium and sodium in the body. The second is called erythropoietin and has importance for the supply of the blood with oxygen. Therefore, if the kidney damaging, they trigger other problems. Anemia is one of the main consequences. From her suffering between 60 and 80 percent of the patients with diseased kidneys.

How to keep your immune system

I want to ask you whether exercise and sport can retain strong immune defenses. I ask because of a deal with sports, and I've never been sick. I'm 42 years old, always otminaval's flu, but this year knock me down on the bed. And that's why I'm looking for an answer to the question of how to maintain in good condition the immune protection.
Our readers do not cease to be interested in how to maintain a good defense of the body against viruses and bacteria. The answers are few, but you should be aware that excessive physical exertion at work or in the exercise suppresses the immune system.

You ask what causes exercise the immune system? Disrupt the rhythm of the lymphatic circulation. It largely depends on the muscle contractions that move the lymph. Lymphatic fluid has a higher relative weight, where is rich in lipids. I.e. food rich in fat and lack of exercise lead to silting up of the lymphatic network and to the Suppression of protective forces of the organism. It is known that exercise improves the fat profile of blood, exercise the heart muscle, decreased pulse rate and peace and well-being. This is because separate natural opioids called endorphins.

Professional athletes are protected from infections

Physical exercise really improve blood circulation, and hence the oxygen supply to the cells. Help and cleansing of toxins that sometimes accumulate purposes landfills in the body. Professional athletes whose physical activity is well read in relation to their own possibilities, they have more active forces against infections. Trained athletes with good health have the NK-cells with greater functional activity compared to people who lead a sedentary way of life. Studies show that carefully selected according to the individual capacity of the athlete physical exertion leads to maintain an excellent level of security forces. Incidentally the heavy physical labour is perceived by the body as stress and leads to increased production of corticosteroids. If such a stressful reaction manifest fatigue from heavy physical work will reduce the size of the thymus and the lowering of the production of interferon and t-cells.
Golden rules are:

Boil slowly!
Stop the exercises at the onset of pain.
Take a break and then again start with the exercises, but carefully!
Only in this way will not prevent fatigue of the body and weakening of the immune system.

The more you relax, the more tired I feel

Go to work with your personal car, don't lose the nerves and time for travel with public transport. It's not my job with a big load, and the atmosphere in the Office was pleasant and friendly. And when I get home, I'm so tired that I don't have the energy for nothing and rushing to lay on the couch. What is the reason?

Sometimes, lack of physical activity tired. The human body, with all its joints, muscles and organs, is designed to move. But many Bulgarians lead a sedentary life, both in the Office and at home. Or as you-to the car and to the Office.
Returning the same-from the Office to home on the couch. All this is related to the extremely small physical effort and is not specific to the human body.

Paradoxically, this is the way of life makes you feel terribly tired and not at all to gymnastics and. .. People need to move as much as possible, to exercise and to devote time for tourism. Lack of exercise leads to a weakening of the muscles and the immune system. So fatigue becomes permanent and the more rest man, the more it feels leaderless.
In such cases the body needs:

-Active living, sport and tourism activities.
Moderate workouts to achieve optimum durability, strength and flexibility.
-Doing exercises to stimulate breathing.
-Maintain a normal heart rate during the exercise.
-Adoption of additional amounts of antioxidants, calcium, magnesium and glutamine after each exercise.

Reduced function of thyroid gland makes kids fat

What are the reasons for a child of 7 years to be impaired thyroid? I speak for my grandchild, which a year ago started fattening and for a short time became as Butterball. We went to the doctor, we have done the necessary research and it turns out that there is a reduced function of thyroid gland. Now accepting medications containing iodine and begin to weakens. I hope soon to get my weight, which had, prior to filling. I spoke with the doctor at length about this issue for children. But write you with the request to tell about it, to know where to look for problem mothers whose children are fat for no reason.

The thyroid gland releases hormones that help the cells of the body to transform food into energy received.

In a disease of the thyroid hormone production is difficult and that can have severe consequences for the child's body.
When impaired operation of that authority arise various symptoms depending on what amount of hormones are formed.

If the child suffers from impaired function of the thyroid gland, it may lag in both physical and mental development. It will be constantly tired, weary and seemed erratic, disconnected lately.

Many children with impaired function of the thyroid gland are overweight. And when he is with increased function, the child is usually hyperactive eye, sometimes aggressively, eat more than is necessary, but not overweight body.


If you observe in your child the above described symptoms, take him immediately to the doctor. If it is with reduced function of thyroid gland, the child will need to take hormones is most likely for the rest of his life. With increased thyroid function should take measures against excessive production of hormones. The treatment is consistent with reason. In rare cases surgical removal of the thyroid gland.

Can Identify Brain Tumors

Until the last moment in the hospital could not understand exactly what part of the brain are these tumors and launched their operation. I heard that this disease is hereditary and that scares me. Not that there's a reason for that, but I'd like to know what are the symptoms of the disease?

Symptoms for the formation of tumors in the brain are different, but there are some who suggest that we need to find a doctor. And they are:

-Headache-especially when we define it as different from usual. It was hard going with conventional pain-relieving medication. A strong morning headaches. Headache, which causes "numbness" in the neck.
-Nausea and vomiting-characteristic is more common in the morning.

-Personality changes, confusion, lack of adequacy in ordinary situations. Emotional instability and
-Impaired memory and ability for adequate evaluation and calculation
-Epileptic seizures occurring recently, with no connection with alcohol or drug use.

-Changes in speech-often the patient does not find the word or uttered it.

-Changes in vision, double vision or loss of vision. Difference in the size of the pupil, or fall on one of the eyelids.

-Changes in taste and smell.

-Paresis and paralysis of various muscle groups--often on the face musculature or of half the body.

-Abnormal tremor or abrupt loss of dexterity.

-General fatigue or drowsiness.

-Tingling in arm or leg or half a body.

-Changes in the menstrual cycle or leakage of fluid from the chest.

-Weight gain or changes in the number of shoes. A change in the shape of the face.

Even just one symptom you have listed above, do not hesitate, hurry up to make a consultation with the doctor. The more time you do, the greater is the guarantee for a complete cure.
To the 6th hour of need to know what is all due

The diagnostic algorithm for strokes in Bulgarian is made very well. There is a consensus for the treatment of patients with cardiovascular disease. Even in a leaky vessel today, the chances of survival are between 80 and 90 percent. Of course, if you apply the capabilities of modern medicine.

In delayed medical care, however, that may happen in smaller cities and hospitals, where they don't have enough equipment, expertise and professionals for rapid diagnosis and adequate treatment, the risk of survival is large.

In Fact!

Under the gold standard strokes is considered, if to the 6th hour doctors already know exactly what's going on with the patient and can proceed to treatment. In ischemic stroke treatment is first with pooled platelets,  medication.

When your nosebleeds that are inside the brain itself (parenchyma), treatment is only symptomatic-pain and headaches. Correct and risk factors such as hypertension, cholesterol, blood sugar and rit″mnite disorders.